E-ISSN 2548-0839
Volume : 10 Issue : 1 Year : 2025


5 year Impact Factor
2023 CiteScore
Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate, 2024)(Dentistry, Oral Surgery & Medicine (Science))
Quartile Q3
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Does Conventional Endodontic Treatment Impact Oral Health-related Quality of Life? A Systematic Review [Eur Endod J]
Eur Endod J. 2018; 3(1): 2-8 | DOI: 10.5152/eej.2017.17017

Does Conventional Endodontic Treatment Impact Oral Health-related Quality of Life? A Systematic Review

Leonardo S. Antunes1, Claudia R. Souza2, Alessandro G. Salles3, Cinthya C. Gomes1, Livia A. Antunes1
1Department of the Specific Formation, Fluminense Federal University School of Dentistry, Nova Friburgo, RJ, Brazil
2School of Dentistry, Fluminense Federal University, Niteroi, RJ, Brazil
3Program of Postgraduate, Fluminense Federal University School of Dentistry, Niteroi, RJ, Brazil

Could conventional endodontic treatment have an impact on oral health-related quality of life? There are still unresolved questions regarding this theme. In order to answer them, a systematic review on the available literature was undertaken to identify the methodological quality of and the risk of bias in all relevant studies. A broad search for articles was conducted, and only articles published before May 2016 were considered for review. The following portals were used: Pubmed, VHL (Medline, SciELO, Lilacs and BBO), Cochrane Library, and Web of Science. The keywords used for the search were ‘quality of life’ and ‘root canal treatment.’ Furthermore, we included MeSH synonyms, related terms and free terms. Articles written in any language were included according to the PICOS approach (population, intervention, comparison, outcome and study design). After application of these eligibility criteria, selected articles were qualified by assessing their methodological quality and potential risk of bias. The initial search identified 302 references. After excluding duplicated abstracts and analysing the titles and abstracts, 6 were selected. One study was added via manual search of the reference lists. From these, 2 were eligible for quality assessment and were classified as being of high methodological quality and as having low risk of bias. Based on these studies, it can be concluded that conventional endodontic treatment improves oral health-related quality of life. However, these results should be interpreted with caution, due to the lack of important methodological details in the included studies. Additional investigations are warranted to provide more evidence on this subject.

Keywords: Conventional endodontic treatment, oral health, quality of life, outcome, pain, satisfaction, systematic review, therapeutics

Corresponding Author: Leonardo S. Antunes, Brazil
Manuscript Language: English
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