1. | Editorial – European Endodontic Journal: From a Dream to an Indexed Journal Ismail Davut Çapar, Hany Mohamed Aly Ahmed PMID: 32161848 PMCID: PMC7024720 doi: 10.14744/eej.2018.1 Page 1
2. | Does Conventional Endodontic Treatment Impact Oral Health-related Quality of Life? A Systematic Review Leonardo S. Antunes, Claudia R. Souza, Alessandro G. Salles, Cinthya C. Gomes, Livia A. Antunes PMID: 32161849 PMCID: PMC7024716 doi: 10.5152/eej.2017.17017 Pages 2 - 8
3. | Advantages and Applications of a New System for Classifying Roots and Canal Systems in Research and Clinical Practice Hany Mohamed Aly Ahmed, Paul Michael Howell Dummer PMID: 32161850 PMCID: PMC7024718 doi: 10.5152/eej.2017.17064 Pages 9 - 17
4. | Endoscopic Evaluation of Cut Root Faces and Histologic Analysis of Removed Apices Following Root Resection: a Clinical Study Thomas Von Arx, Dieter Bosshardt, Andreas C. Bingisser, Michael M. Bornstein PMID: 32161851 PMCID: PMC7024722 doi: 10.5152/eej.2017.17046 Pages 18 - 23
5. | Periapical Healing of Endodontically Treated Teeth Filled Only in the Apical Third: A Randomized Controlled Trial Roberto Gustavo Sánchez- Lara Y Tajonar, Karla Pamela Sánchez- Mendieta, Rita Elizabeth Martínez- Martínez, Rubén Abraham Domínguez- Pérez PMID: 32161852 PMCID: PMC7024723 doi: 10.5152/eej.2017.17037 Pages 24 - 30
6. | Influence of Method of Teaching Endodontics on the Self-Efficacy and Self-Perceived Competence of Undergraduate Dental Students Annemarie Baaij, Ahmet Rıfat Özok PMID: 32161853 PMCID: PMC7024725 doi: 10.5152/eej.2017.17048 Pages 31 - 37
7. | Physico-chemical and Biological Properties of a New Portland Cement-based Root Repair Material Letícia Chaves De Souza, Mamatha Yadlapati, Hélio Pereira Lopes, Renato Silva, Ariadne Letra, Carlos Nelson Elias PMID: 32161854 PMCID: PMC7024724 doi: 10.5152/eej.2017.17018 Pages 38 - 47
8. | The Influence of Humidity on Intra-tubular Penetration and Bond Strength of AH Plus and MTA Fillapex: An in Vitro Study Bruno Piazza, Melissa Esther Rivera- Peña, Murilo Priori Alcalde, Bruno Carvalho De Vasconcelos, Marco Antonio Húngaro Duarte, Ivaldo Gomes De Moraes, Rodrigo Ricci Vivan PMID: 32161855 PMCID: PMC7024719 doi: 10.5152/eej.2017.17036 Pages 48 - 54
9. | Influence of an Innovative Anti-Corrosive Solution on Resistance of Endodontic NiTi Rotary Instruments: A Preliminary Study Mohammed Ali Saghiri, Armen Asatourian, Franklin Garcia Godoy, Nader Sheibani PMID: 32161856 PMCID: PMC7024721 doi: 10.5152/eej.2017.17043 Pages 55 - 60
10. | Comparison of PathFile and ProFinder systems to create a glide path in curved root canals Ruth Pérez Alfayate, Montse Mercade, Jorge Vera Rojas, Roberto Estévez Luaña, Ana Antoranz Pereda, Juan Algar, Rafael Cisneros Cabello PMID: 32161857 PMCID: PMC7024717 doi: 10.14744/eej.2018.75047 Pages 61 - 65