E-ISSN 2548-0839
Volume : 6 Issue : 1 Year : 2025


5 year Impact Factor
2023 CiteScore
Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate, 2024)(Dentistry, Oral Surgery & Medicine (Science))
Quartile Q3
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The Apical Extent of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate Apical Barrier Does not Influence the Treatment Outcome in a Nonvital Immature Permanent Anterior Tooth: A Split-Mouth Clinical Study [Eur Endod J]
Eur Endod J. 2021; 6(1): 44-49 | DOI: 10.14744/eej.2020.08760

The Apical Extent of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate Apical Barrier Does not Influence the Treatment Outcome in a Nonvital Immature Permanent Anterior Tooth: A Split-Mouth Clinical Study

Krunal Tabiyar, Ajay Logani
Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Centre for Dental Education and Research, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India

Objective: The study aimed to compare treatment outcomes when MTA apical plugs are placed to different apical extents in nonvital immature permanent anterior teeth with an open apex.
Methods: Six participants (five male & one female) between the age group of 8-18 years exhibiting bilateral traumatized nonvital immature permanent maxillary anterior teeth (n=12) with non-blunderbuss canal (Cvek's stage 4) were included. Standardized endodontic procedures were performed, and an inter-appointment calcium hydroxide medicament placed for one week. Based on the apical position of the MTA apical barrier, two study groups were defined. Accordingly, Group I {(n=6) (4mm MTA plug up to the radiographic root end)} and Group II {(n=6) (4 mm MTA plug 2 mm short of the radiographic root-end)}. Teeth were obturated after twenty-four hours with thermoplasticized gutta-percha technique. They were evaluated clinically and radiographically at 12 and 24 months. Radiographs were assessed for periapical healing based on the periapical index (PAI) scores that were dichotomized as score <3 as healed and ≥3 as not healed. The data were compared using Mann Whitney U test, Kruskal Wallis and post hoc analysis.
Results: At 24 months, all teeth in Group I and II were healed clinically and radiographically. On inter-group comparison, radiographically, all teeth (n=12) exhibited a PAI score <3 and were categorized as healed (P=1.00).
Conclusion: The apical extent of MTA plug does not influence the treatment outcome. The clinician can place MTA apical plug either up to or 2 mm short of the radiographic root-end. (EEJ-2020-04-091)

Keywords: Immature teeth, mineral trioxide aggregate, nonvital tooth, pulp necrosis

Corresponding Author: Krunal Tabiyar
Manuscript Language: English
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